Wednesday 2 September 2020

Peritonitis Sign Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment Best Note For MBBS , Nursing, Pharmacy,DMLT Students Odisha Health Help Line No-9040733513

Odisha Health Help Line No-9040733513


Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum — a silk-like membrane that lines your inner abdominal wall and covers the organs within your abdomen — that is usually due to a bacterial or fungal infection. Peritonitis can result from any rupture (perforation) in your abdomen, or as a complication of other medical conditions.

Peritonitis requires prompt medical attention to fight the infection and, if necessary, to treat any underlying medical conditions. Treatment of peritonitis usually involves antibiotics and, in some cases, surgery. Left untreated, peritonitis can lead to severe, potentially life-threatening infection throughout your body.

If you're receiving peritoneal dialysis therapy, you can help prevent peritonitis by following good hygiene before, during and after dialysis.


Signs and symptoms of peritonitis include:

  • Abdominal pain or tenderness
  • Bloating or a feeling of fullness (distention) in your abdomen
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Low urine output
  • Thirst
  • Inability to pass stool or gas
  • Fatigue

If you're receiving peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis symptoms may also include:

  • Cloudy dialysis fluid
  • White flecks, strands or clumps (fibrin) in the dialysis fluid

When to see a doctor

Peritonitis can be life-threatening if it's not treated promptly. Contact your doctor immediately if you have severe pain or tenderness of your abdomen, abdominal bloating, or a feeling of fullness associated with:

  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Low urine output
  • Thirst
  • Inability to pass stool or gas

If you're receiving peritoneal dialysis, contact your health care provider immediately if your dialysis fluid is cloudy, if it contains white flecks, or strands or clumps (fibrin), or if it has an unusual odor, especially if the area around your tube (catheter) is red or painful.


Infection of the peritoneum can happen for a variety of reasons. In most cases, the cause is a rupture (perforation) within the abdominal wall. Though it’s rare, the condition can develop without an abdominal rupture. This type of peritonitis is called spontaneous peritonitis.

Common causes of ruptures that lead to peritonitis include:

  • Medical procedures, such as peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis uses tubes (catheters) to remove waste products from your blood when your kidneys can no longer adequately do so. An infection may occur during peritoneal dialysis due to unclean surroundings, poor hygiene or contaminated equipment. Peritonitis also may develop as a complication of gastrointestinal surgery, the use of feeding tubes or a procedure to withdraw fluid from your abdomen (paracentesis) and rarely as a complication of colonoscopy or endoscopy.
  • A ruptured appendix, stomach ulcer or perforated colon. Any of these conditions can allow bacteria to get into the peritoneum through a hole in your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pancreatitis. Inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis) complicated by infection may lead to peritonitis if the bacteria spread outside the pancreas.
  • Diverticulitis. Infection of small, bulging pouches in your digestive tract (diverticulitis) may cause peritonitis if one of the pouches ruptures, spilling intestinal waste into your abdominal cavity.
  • Trauma. Injury or trauma may cause peritonitis by allowing bacteria or chemicals from other parts of your body to enter the peritoneum.

Peritonitis that develops without an abdominal rupture (spontaneous peritonitis) is usually a complication of liver disease, such as cirrhosis. Advanced cirrhosis causes a large amount of fluid buildup in your abdominal cavity (ascites). That fluid buildup is susceptible to bacterial infection.


Factors that increase your risk of peritonitis include:

  • Peritoneal dialysis. Peritonitis is common among people undergoing peritoneal dialysis therapy.
  • Other medical conditions. The following medical conditions increase your risk of developing peritonitis: cirrhosisappendicitisCrohn's disease, stomach ulcers, diverticulitis and pancreatitis.
  • History of peritonitis. Once you've had peritonitis, your risk of developing it again is higher than it is for someone who has never had peritonitis.


Left untreated, peritonitis can extend beyond your peritoneum, where it may cause:

  • A bloodstream infection (bacteremia).
  • An infection throughout your body (sepsis). Sepsis is a rapidly progressing, life-threatening condition that can cause shock and organ failure.


To diagnose peritonitis, your doctor will talk with you about your medical history and perform a physical exam. When peritonitis is associated with peritoneal dialysis, your signs and symptoms, particularly cloudy dialysis fluid, may be enough for your doctor to diagnose the condition.

In cases of peritonitis in which the infection may be a result of other medical conditions (secondary peritonitis) or in which the infection arises from fluid buildup in your abdominal cavity (spontaneous peritonitis), your doctor may recommend the following tests to confirm a diagnosis:

  • Blood tests. A sample of your blood may be drawn and sent to a lab to check for a high white blood cell count. A blood culture also may be performed to determine if there are bacteria in your blood.
  • Imaging tests. Your doctor may want to use an X-ray to check for holes or other perforations in your gastrointestinal tract. Ultrasound may also be used. In some cases, your doctor may use a computerized tomography (CT) scan instead of an X-ray.
  • Peritoneal fluid analysis.Using a thin needle, your doctor may take a sample of the fluid in your peritoneum (paracentesis), especially if you receive peritoneal dialysis or have fluid in your abdomen from liver disease. If you have peritonitis, examination of this fluid may show an increased white blood cell count, which typically indicates an infection or inflammation. A culture of the fluid may also reveal the presence of bacteria.

The above tests may also be necessary if you're receiving peritoneal dialysis and a diagnosis of peritonitis is uncertain after a physical exam and an examination of the dialysis fluid.


You may need to be hospitalized for peritonitis that's caused by infection from other medical conditions (secondary peritonitis). Treatment may include:

  • Antibiotics. You'll likely be given a course of antibiotic medication to fight the infection and prevent it from spreading. The type and duration of your antibiotic therapy depend on the severity of your condition and the kind of peritonitis you have.
  • Surgery. Surgical treatment is often necessary to remove infected tissue, treat the underlying cause of the infection, and prevent the infection from spreading, especially if peritonitis is due to a ruptured appendix, stomach or colon.
  • Other treatments. Depending on your signs and symptoms, your treatment while in the hospital may include pain medications, intravenous (IV) fluids, supplemental oxygen and, in some cases, a blood transfusion.

If you're undergoing peritoneal dialysis

If you have peritonitis, your doctor may recommend that you receive dialysis in another way for several days while your body heals from the infection. If peritonitis persists or recurs, you may need to stop having peritoneal dialysis entirely and switch to a different form of dialysis.


Often, peritonitis associated with peritoneal dialysis is caused by germs around the catheter. If you're receiving peritoneal dialysis, take the following steps to prevent peritonitis:

  • Wash your hands, including underneath your fingernails and between your fingers, before touching the catheter.
  • Clean the skin around the catheter with an antiseptic every day.
  • Store your supplies in a sanitary area.
  • Wear a surgical mask during your dialysis fluid exchanges.
  • If you have pets, don't sleep with them.
  • Talk with your dialysis care team about proper care for your peritoneal dialysis catheter.

If you've had spontaneous peritonitis before or if you have peritoneal fluid buildup due to a medical condition such as cirrhosis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent peritonitis. If you’re taking a proton pump inhibitor, your doctor may ask you to stop taking it.

If you develop new abdominal pain or have a new injury

Peritonitis may result from a burst appendix or trauma-related abdominal injury.

  • Seek immediate medical attention if you develop abdominal pain so severe that you're unable to sit still or find a comfortable position.
  • Call 911 or emergency medical assistance if you have severe abdominal pain following an accident or injury.

What Is The Disease Parotitis-Mumps Odisha Health Help Line-9040733513

Any Type Of Health Issue Call Help Line-9040733513


Parotitis is the name given to inflammation and infection of the largest of the salivary glands known as the parotid glands. Inflammation results in swelling of the tissues that surround the salivary glands, redness, and soreness. Salivary glands are responsible for producing saliva in the mouth, which has the important function of cleansing the mouth. Inflammation of the salivary glands reduces their ability to function properly and may lead to infections within the mouth.

The inflammation of parotitis may result from many causes, including infection, drugs, radiation, and various diseases. Mumps was once the most common viral cause of parotitis, but vaccination has made mumps a rare disease today. Parotitis caused by bacterial infection is somewhat common in the United States.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

How To Soon After Sex Do You Get Pregnant Consult Online Doctor Total Free Odisha Health Gynecology Help Line +919040733513

Please Call Doctor Consultant Gynecology Odisha Health Help Line No-+919040733513#How #Soon #After #Sex #Do #You #Get #Pregnant?

How Long Before Conception, Implantation, and Pregnancy Symptoms Occur

You know that sex leads to pregnancy, but how soon after sex could you actually get pregnant? The answer isn't exact. Instead, it's a range—it could be in minutes or take a few days.

Below, we explore how long it takes to get pregnant, how to maximize your chance of conceiving, and for pregnancy symptoms to begin.


Conception may take place as soon as three minutes after sexual intercourse, or it may take up to five days. Implantation occurs five to 10 days after fertilization, which means anywhere from five to 15 days after you had sex.

Pregnancy symptoms may start as early as a week after you had sex or may take several weeks to start. Some women never get noticeable early pregnancy symptoms.1

Could lying down after sex help you conceive faster? It seems like it makes sense. Sperm need to swim through the reproductive system. Perhaps it's easier for them to make the journey if they don't have to swim up—and can just swim horizontally. However, things are slightly more complicated than that.

Fertilization can occur within minutes of sex...but it's also possible to have intercourse on Tuesday and not conceive until Friday!


You might think that the time between sex and conception is just the amount of time it takes sperm to swim to the egg. However, how quickly sperm swim doesn’t fully answer the question.

Studies have found that sperm take between two and 10 minutes to travel from the cervix through to the fallopian tubes (where they hope to meet an egg).2 This is regardless of gravity. They will swim "up" through the uterus no matter what position your body is in. If there is an egg waiting, conception can occur as quickly as three minutes after sexual intercourse.

That said, sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days.3 This means that the day you had sex doesn’t have to be the day you got pregnant. If you had sex on Monday, and you ovulate on Thursday, conception can occur days after you had sexual intercourse.

Sometimes, a doctor will estimate the day of conception based on how many weeks the fetus measures in an ultrasound, and this conception date doesn't match up with a day the couple had sex.4 This possible delay between intercourse and fertilization explains how that can happen.

While you're more likely to get pregnant if you have sex two to three days before ovulation, you can get pregnant from sex that occurs up to six days before an egg is released from the ovary.


Conception is when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg. Implantation is when the fertilized egg (which is now an embryo) implants itself into the uterine wall. You’re not technically pregnant until this happens. Implantation doesn’t happen right after fertilization.

Many people assume that fertilization happens in the uterus. This isn’t correct. The sperm cells meet the egg in the fallopian tubes, and this is where conception happens.5

After conception, the embryo needs to go through a number of development stages before it can implant itself into the uterine lining. It also needs to travel from inside the fallopian tubes down into the uterus. This takes a few days.

Implantation usually occurs between five and 10 days after fertilization.6 But as you read above, fertilization can occur as soon as a few minutes after sex or as many as five days after. This means that implantation can occur as soon as five days after you had sex or as late as 15 days after sexual intercourse.

#Pregnancy #Symptoms

Whether fertilization occurs within minutes of sex or days later, will you be able to feel you're pregnant when it happens? Unfortunately, no.

Some women claim to have "known" they conceived within minutes of sex. The truth is that it's scientifically impossible. Any potential pregnancy symptoms won't appear until embryo implantation (at the very, very earliest), and that doesn't happen for another seven to 10 days. It takes time for the fertilized egg to travel from the fallopian tubes and find a soft landing area in the uterus.

Having pregnancy signs at the time of implantation is also unlikely. Most women don't start to experience pregnancy symptoms until they are a few days past their expected period. Some women never "feel" pregnant.7

The earliest you might expect to “feel

 pregnant” after sex would be around seven days. More commonly, it takes between two to four weeks after sex before pregnancy symptoms are noticeable.

Does Lying on Your Back Help?

Just about every woman has received advice to remain on her back after sex, in hopes it'll make it easier to get pregnant. There’s no research specifically on lying still after sex to back up the claim.

However, there is research on the fertility treatment intrauterine insemination (or IUI). During IUI treatment, specially washed sperm are transferred directly to the woman’s uterus via the cervix through a thin catheter.

In one study, researchers wanted to know if IUI treatment would be more effective if the woman remained on her back for 15 minutes after the procedure.2

Researchers found that the women who remained on their backs for 15 minutes after the sperm transfer had a 27% pregnancy rate after three cycles. The women who were encouraged to get up right after the treatment had an 18% pregnancy rate after three cycles.

Remaining horizontal after IUI treatment did improve pregnancy rates. Whether that would translate to sexual intercourse, is unclear.

Aim for 10 to 20 Minutes

If you’re going to lie on your back, how long should you stay there to reap any benefits? Again, there’s no research on sexual intercourse to give us an answer. However, we have another study on IUI that may give us a clue.

In this study, 396 couples having IUI treatment for male factor infertility, cervical issues, or unexplained infertility were randomly assigned to a post-IUI “rest” group.8 Women were either asked to remain horizontal for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 20 minutes post-insemination.

In this particular study, the clinical pregnancy rates were dramatically different between the 5 and 10-minute groups. 

Clinical pregnancy rates per cycle:

4.5% for those who remained horizontal for 5 minutes

15.9% for those who remained horizontal for 10 minutes

19.7% for those who remained horizontal for 20 minutes

The difference between the 10 and 20-minute groups was not considered to be statistically significant. Therefore, the researchers suggest women remain lying down for at least 10 minutes after insemination. 

However, if you need to use the bathroom right after sex (especially if you get frequent urinary tract infections), get up and go ahead. You’re not going to ruin your chances of conception.

[Note: Don't compare these results to the first study referenced above. This study looked at the pregnancy rate per cycle, while the first study mentioned in this article was looking at cumulative pregnancy rates after three treatment cycles.]

You may conceive within minutes of sexual intercourse, but, more commonly, hours or days will pass between intercourse and the day of the egg is fertilized. Lying down after or during sex may help you get pregnant faster, but it probably won't make a big difference. Sperm cells will swim towards your ovaries whether you’re standing up or standing on your head! 

Remember that a pregnancy test can’t detect pregnancy at the moment of conception or even on your implantation day. There needs to be enough pregnancy hormone in the body for the test to come up positive. This takes time. In order not to waste pregnancy tests, wait until your period is at least one day late before peeing on a stick. Otherwise, you may get a false negative, even if you are pregnant.